


$whatis human-music

Human music is a script I wrote that generates music, and uploads it to Youtube. It does not upload anymore, since the Youtube uploader I was relying also stopped working.

The already published music videos nevertheless still be found on Youtube

The code for this project is published on Github

how it works

Its not as complicated as is might sound. First it creates MIDI with randomized variables (like bpm, notes, note progressions, instruments, ...).

After the round about 2 minute long MIDI is generated, it is transformed to a video with a static background image.

Lastly the video is uploaded to youtube with a tool I found on Github. Sadly this tool does not work anymore, since Youtube has changed some things, so there are no more new music videos uploaded.

$whatis ministry-of-truth

Program that puts masks on faces in images and video. Code can be found on Github

how it works

This Project may look impressive, but its actually just a 70 line Python script. Its using a face recognition library, to get rectangles where there are faces. Then, using Pillow, a mask image is layered over the face.

Additionally there is some file type parsing, so even video can masked. Video however is very slow, since the face recognition library is called every few frames.

$whatis spotigrep

A program that allows greping Spotify. You can also specify requirements, like its from this artist or found in this playlist. The code is on Github in case you want to check it out

how it works

Playlist can be downloaded, which creates a subdirectory for this playlist with directories for each artist found in that playlist. Those artist subfolders contain plain text lyrics.

The lyrics are populated using the genius api. This process is pretty slow, since one of those APIs is slow. Once a playlist is generated though, you can grep as many times as you like.

$whatis tagesschauer

A systemd service that pushes news from the Tagesschau API as notifications. Code can be found on Github

how it works

There is one installation script, that installs a 5 minute timer as systemd userspace service. Whenever this timer triggers news are pulled from the Tagesschau API and saved in cache. This file is then compared with the news form the last call of this script. For each news article that was not there last time, a push notification is sent.